Be Confident in This!

letters to the pastor's wife mindset minute Apr 13, 2021

I recently had a major setback and had to remind myself that God is faithful! 

When 2021 started, much like 2020, I just knew this was my year to shine! Finally, I would begin to manifest the vision that was settled within my spirit, almost 15 years ago!

In January I decided I would stop posting for 3 months in order to commit myself fully to my added workload. Don't worry, I know that you have missed me! 

I knew that this endeavor would stretch me beyond the limits of my mind and my comfort. As daunting as the assignment seemed I knew it had to be done, so with steadfast resolve... into the deep I immersed myself into my new projects.

Little did I know that it would not be the new projects that would test my limits and push me to the edge, but something much more disturbing. 

On March 12, 2021, just before midnight, I received word that my baby brother had passed away. As the oldest of 5, this would be the 2nd sibling I lost.  I was... no I am devastated. 

My mind shifted so drastically so quickly. In my mind, the world stopped! You know I teach you that mindset is EVERYTHING! But I just couldn't, the tears were coming too often and the pain was numbing.  I just stopped. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned into a month.  

I came to the tough realization that just because I stopped the world would not. The bible says (paraphrasing) that everything has a season... but regardless of where you are at in those seasons the world, life will continue. 

I have been here before... STUCK! When my father passed and again when my sister passed. I literally lost so much time, and I do mean years! But more recently not only was I stuck, in my grief, I was angry at God! I can admit it! It felt like every time I got a little bit of air in my sails a catastrophic event would happen that would set me back in my mind and actions. I just didn't want to do anything and by anything I mean nothing!

BUT there are things that God has invested in me that just won't let me rest. Through my grief, my dreams and vision persist! God still moves and God still speaks. 


No setback... or should I say mind setback is too far for God to overcome. The bible says it plainly (paraphrasing);

You better know that you know what you know because God had put into action good things for you and is doing great things in you! You can trust and believe with all your heart that He finishes what He starts! 

I have done it before where I let things and circumstances that were out of my control stop me from forging ahead on the path that God set before me. But no more... MY GOD IS SOVERIGN, which means despite my lack of control He is in control. I just have to trust the process. As much faith as he has entrusted in me to bear this journey is the same amount of faith I have to put in Him to carry me to the finish of it.

I cannot allow grief to overwhelm me or pain to stop me completely!
Hey sis! Hey bro! I declare; you will see me finish! Look for me when you see me coming!  

Maybe you found yourself in my story... STUCK because of things out of your control

My prayer today is this 

  • I PRAY that the God we serve speak to our spirit(s) and tell it to "Rise Up" 
  • I PRAY that we are encouraged, despite how we feel about we matter, God is still doing great things in you (& me) and for you (& me) 
  • I PRAY that nothing can stop what God has already put into motion. 
    I will not allow myself to get in the way of God!
    So today I command my soul to "GET WITH THE PROGRAM"! 
  • I PRAY that we place my mind and emotions in the care of the Lod and trust that He will give us beauty for ashes, and He will turn our sorrow into joy. 
  • I PRAY that God will give us the courage we need not just to survive this circumstance but the strength to endure everything thereafter and overcome with victory
  • I PRAY that our faith will be stretched enough to meet God at the place of Promise, Purpose, and Destiny!
  • AMEN & AMEN!

Until next time, live inspired 🦋
Lady Hart  ❤️
