
declarations for today mindset minute Jun 12, 2021

TODAY'S DECLARATION: We have more power than we give ourselves credit for! We only need to realize who we are to activate that power! So in the name of Jesus. I will not allow what I cannot control, to control me!

🍍 One of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. This is important because we allow people, things, and circumstances to determine our outcome when God has placed that decision/control in our hands.

🤔 Who does God say that you are? And will you really allow someone/something else beyond God or yourself to have a say in that?

🟣 I may not be able to control what is done to me but I can control how I act & react in the situation.
🟣 I may not be able to change how things happen but I can control what I believe and what I don't believe.
🟣 I cannot stop someone from thinking what they want to about me but I can control what I think about myself!
Every day I choose & so do you! 

Whatever is out of our control is in the hands of God and because His thought's towards us are good and not evil we can trust Him and His plans. 

💭 Sometimes we have a God-given dream and things don't turn out the way we saw them. Like Joseph, God showed us great things but instead, we end up sold out (by the ones who should love us),  in a pit (of depression), and Stuck in a jail cell (of self-loathing), wondering if we got it wrong... 

The answer is NOOOO!!!! God is not a man that He would lie to us! If He said a thing He will do it, for the Glory of His name! Some things are just not in our purview to control... but who you (and I) will be in God and through it all is up to us.

📢 I said it before and I will say it again... we don't have to be perfect we just have to be better than we were yesterday! Don't get off track!

Who has God told you that you are? 
Okay! Be That!

PRAYER: 🙏 Lord, teach us how to see ourselves as you see us. Teach us to exercise the power you have invested in us to the point where life is just not happening to us but we are fully aware participants in it. We declare your word of life over ourselves and choose to run with that. Whatever is out of our control we leave it in your hands and above all trust in you. Amen!   


Until next time, live inspired 🦋
Lady Hart  ❤️

Follow at 👉 @iamladyhart