Faith Doesn't Make All Things Easy...

letters to the pastor's wife Jan 12, 2021

REAL FAITH takes real work! Just cause we got faith doesn't mean we don't have to work! Immature faith is lazy, wanting God to take responsibility for all of our actions & inactions while forgoing free will. Immature faith will have us thinking that because God is in control we don't have to make right decisions or any decisions at all.

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REAL FAITH encompasses our belief systems, incorporates our hopes and dreams, and then energizes us into outward action. That's why Paul can assertively say "FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD!"   The real truth is, work is work, and work is always hard, that's why it's called work! But with God all things are possible! That's why faith is so important to what we do!

The challenges get real real, real fast sometimes. Just because the situation is hard doesn't mean that God's hand isn't still in it. Nobody told you (me) that the road would be easy!!!
So it ain't easy... so what... We have faith!

Faith doesn't make anything easy, and I mean nothing, but faith makes everything possible... All I need are possibilities and open doors and I will take that action Lord... Thank you for unyielding faith and the unction to function!

Many Blessings
Lady Hart

Follow at @iamladyhart


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