Worship and Rest...

inspire champion life mindset minute personal development Aug 07, 2021

Worship and rest are an essential part of the creative process.

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. 

We are designed by God as creative beings. Because we are designed in His image and He is the first and original creator, we are full of ideas and potential. 

When you open your bible and turn to the very first page it says "In the beginning God created..." That's all the evidence that you and I need to get started with the ideas and purpose that  He has placed in us... 

It took God six days to create and then on the seventh he rested. Eventually, God would give us a blueprint to duplicate His creative process. 

By God's design for us,  the creative process starts with worship. The is desires and dreams may have been placed in you at the beginning of time but the revelation and unfolding of those dreams and vision come through worship. 

Let me break it down for you just a little bit. You may be given a gift that comes unassembled such as a bike.  without the instruction manual on how to put the gift together, the bike will most likely sit in the box and remain unassembled because you lack the proper information on how to put it together. Good thing for you and me that the creator of the bike had the forsight to know that we might need some help in putting the bike together, so they included a "How To" manual so we could put the thing together...  

So it is with your dreams, visions, and God-centered desires, They are gifts! You unwrap them as you go through life and are overjoyed as you discover more and more of what God has given you. But here in lies the rub, you possess the gift but it is unassembled. You have to learn how to put it together and how to use it properly. To do that you should consult with the creator of not only that gift but the creator of you.

The creator of those things just happens to be God. When you and I worship we invite God to speak with us. It is in this communion that God gives us not only the instructions we need to assemble our gifts but the proper guidance we need to use them. 

How amazing is that! When we start our creative process with worship we are opening ourselves up to receive from the divine creator himself!

Often in my worship, that is where I receive the 1, 2, 3's, and the a, b, c's of how to accomplish certain things in my life and I am so grateful for this 

Once He reveals, then I have the confidence to execute because I know I have a rock-solid guarantee that things are going to work out in my favor!

I highly believe that the bible is a timely and applicable template for everything that we do in life. When I was young my Sunday school teacher held it up and declared "This is your B.I.B.L.E.!!! that stands for basic instructions before leaving earth" so when I read that after 6 days God concluded that His work was complete and He was satisfied, He rested. I take it as part of my instruction...

God took a break when a particular thing is done... not because He needed to but because He needed you and me to understand the importance of taking a moment to refresh. 

A good refreshing can feel like a great reward when done correctly. You need to impose upon yourself a time to rest and I use the word impose to speak to those who are like me (workaholics). Rest and replenish because soon your creative process will restart and God will reveal something new to you.

It would be ashamed if you and I only accomplished a small portion of what God has assigned for us to do for lack of rest. Rest brings strength and rejuvenates the mind. In the strength you gain from rest you prepare yourself for the next leg of your journey.

Well, my friend I just really wanted to share with you integral information about God's creative process in our lives, just in case you ever felt as though something was missing from your master plan. 

So to recap the process 

  1. WORSHIP - to receive revelation from God regarding your plans
  2. A to Z - the process of execution of your plans
  3. REST - the reward at the conclusion of the plan

Because God is the God of overflow you use and reuse this methodology in your creative process to become highly productive 


Many Blessings My Friend 
Lady Akilah Hart 

@iamladyhart #iamladyhart #ladyhart #inspirechampionlife